Stonewell Farm is featured on CTV!

Lavender Field near Toronto filming show for CTV

‘In Your Backyard’ at the farm!

We were delighted to host CTV Kitchener at Stonewell Lavender Farm this week. The film crew was here to film for a segment called ‘In Your Backyard’ which they show throughout the 5 p.m news hour. Stu Gooden, the host, really helped me feel at ease during filming, as I have never been on TV before! And Jeff Pagett, the cameraman, was very calm and easygoing, even though I messed up a few times.

More below…

The show was split into three segments. One in the lavender field, talking about English and French lavender and what you use them for. One took place in the kitchen where I demonstrated how to make lavender tea and a lavender essential oil roller ball. The third featured local artist Melissa Jenkins making ink from lavender and sumac, plus a little art demonstration. I followed up by serving Stu some lemon lavender bud cheesecake made by my neighbour Dixie Chard. We washed it down with some hibiscus/rosehip lavender iced tea.

I was super nervous and my brain froze. They didn’t have time or manpower to do multiple takes and then edit them, so I had to get it right in one take. No pressure!

If you didn’t catch it live then you can find it on the CTV Kitchener website. Click the link here.

If that doesn’t work for you, go to their website and look under ‘In Your Backyard’. You may have to look for the three mini episodes entitled ‘Turning a hobby farm into a passionate business’, ‘What can you make with lavender?’ and ‘Workshops teach people what you can do with lavender’.

I hope you enjoy them. See if you can spot the weed in the bundle Stu is holding, as well as Seamus snoozing in the background as they paint..

Lee Anne Downey